Teams are collections of agent groups. A team report provides statistics on individual agents across multiple agent groups in one report. Team reports provide an indication of how individual agents spent their time and compare the performance of agents.

The Team reports are listed below:

Performance reports

  • Team Performance by Agent
  • Team Performance by Day of Month
  • Team Performance by Day of Week
  • Team Performance by Month
  • Team Performance by Period
  • Team Performance by Queue

Event reports
Event reports derive their data from the ACD real-time event stream. Event reports on non-ACD extensions use the MiTAI stream. All other reports derive their data from the SMDR stream.

  • Team Event by Period (Percentages) (You cannot generate this report over midnight.)



Voice Team Performance by Agent

The Team Performance by Agent report shows the performance of each agent of a team. (See Figure 91.)

The Team Performance by Agent reports provide the following information on individual agents:



Figure 91: Voice Team Performance by Agent





Voice Team Performance by Day of Week

The Team Performance by Day of Week reports show the call performance of the team over the days of the week. When this report is run for more than one week, the data is summed for each day of the week. For example, if the report is run for two weeks, the data found under Monday is the summed total of the two Mondays and the data found under Tuesday is the summed totals of the two Tuesdays. (See Figure 92.)

The Team Performance by Day of Week reports provide the following information:



Figure 92: Voice Team Performance by Day of Week





Voice Team Performance by Day of Month

The Team Performance by Day of Month reports show the call performance of the team for each day of one month. (See Figure 93.)

The Team Performance by Day of Month reports provide the following information:



Figure 93: Voice Team Performance by Day of Month





Voice Team Performance by Month

The Team Performance by Month reports show the performance of the team for one month. (See Figure 94.)

The Team Performance by Month reports provide the following information:



Figure 94: Voice Team Performance by Month





Voice Team Performance by Period

The Team Performance by Period reports show the call activity of the team across 15-, 30-, or 60-minute intervals for the shift duration and day(s) you specify. (See Figure 95.)

The Team Performance by Period reports provide the following information:



Figure 95: Voice Team Performance by Period





Voice Team Performance by Queue

The Team Performance by Queue report compares the call workload distribution across the queues in a team for the shift duration and day(s) you specify. It reports the call statistics in hours, minutes, and seconds, and provides call counts across queues.

The first five fields contain multiple records reflecting the ACD queues serving the ACD Agent and Agent Group. The remaining fields contain a single record reflecting the totals irrespective of ACD queue. (See Figure 96.)

The Team Performance by Queue reports provide the following information:



Figure 96: Voice Team Performance by Queue









Voice Team Event by Period (Percentages)

The Team Event by Period (Percentages) report shows log on and log off times for the call team, and the percentage of time the team spent in various states for the days you specify. It reports call statistics as a percentage of the total shift time. (See Figure 97.)

Your choice of Shift Mode determines how this report calculates data. In Reporter, after Shift Mode, select the checkbox for either Default or Agent Group Presence. 'Default' ignores presence data. 'Agent Group Presence' subtracts agent absence from shift data. Data relating to individual agent presence is not displayed under the corresponding report columns.

The Team Event by Period (Percentages) reports provide the following information:



Figure 97: Voice Team Event by Period (Percentages)