Service Level And Your Reports
To create meaningful reports, you must understand the concepts behind the reports. Choosing a service level objective is the first step in a comprehensive planning and management solution.
The service objective identifies the average length of time a client who has contacted your company waits for an available queue member. It is the basis for planning and budgeting and links the resources you require to your service objectives. Once you set a service objective, you should routinely access it to see how consistently you are meeting it, on a 15-minute or half-hour basis. (The service level objective is defined in YourSite Explorer under YourSite=>Queues=>Performance tab.)
Contact centers in different industries use different criteria for measuring service. Your service objective should reflect the type of service you provide and the expectations of your customers.
Revenue-based contact centers
In revenue-based contact centers selling products or services, the net revenue per contact (call, email, chat, or SMS) is considered when defining a service objective. Revenue-based contact centers strive to provide a high level of service with minimal blocking and delays.
Cost-based contact centers
In cost-based contact centers providing customer service, contact handling incurs costs but does not provide additional revenues. The level of service in cost-based contact centers is typically not as high as the level of service in revenue-based centers. Although the chance of blocking is minimal, an almost certain delay in the ACD queue is to be expected.