We recommend you install the Client Component Pack on computers used to run and view reports. Without the Client Component Pack installed, users may experience errors caused by permissions or network security. These issues are outside the scope of UniVoIP Technical Support.

You generate reports to monitor device performance (agents, queues, employees, etc.) and the service levels provided to customers. Running 5 to 10 reports per month is common practice. Supervisors monitor the devices with consistently low scores more frequently. Resource limitations typically influence the frequency of monitoring.

Before you run reports, set up contacts or contact groups to whom you will email reports.


  • Microsoft Excel 2010 or greater is required to both view MiContact Center reports and automatically distribute reports for printing.
    • Optionally, Microsoft Excel Viewer may be installed as an alternative to Microsoft Excel to view reports, but it cannot be used to automatically distribute reports for printing.
  • Protected View is a Microsoft Office security feature that can impact your ability to view Excel reports. If you use Excel 2010 to view reports, configure the following in Excel:
    • Ensure the following Protected View options are not enabled:
      • Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet
      • Enable Protected View for files located in potentially unsafe locations
      • Enable Protected View for Outlook attachments
      • Enable Data Execution Prevention mode
  • Ensure that the following Trusted Location option is selected:
    • Allow Trusted Locations on my network (not recommended).