My Voicemail
If the voicemail capability is enabled and you have a voicemail box, you will be presented with an extra web page - My Voice Mail on the web interface. By logging in to the web interface and selecting this new page, you will then be presented with the various features that you can control.
You can configure the following:
- Listen to Your Voicemail messages(MWI)–see Listen to Voicemail Messages.
- Your Message Waiting Indicator (MWI)–see Enable Message Waiting Indicator.
- Email notification of voice message–see Configure Email Notification of Voice Messages.
- Email forwarding of voice messages–see Configure Email Forwarding of Voicemail Messages.
- Your dial-0 destination–see Configure Dial-0 Destination.
- The timezone used for playback of voice message information–see Configure Voicemail Timezone.
- Reset your voicemail PIN–see Reset Voicemail PIN.
Listen to Voicemail Messages
You can listen to your voicemail messages from the My Voice Mail page.
To listen to your messages, follow these steps:
- Click My Voice Mail in the left-hand menu.
- In the List to your voicemail messages section, click Listen
The system returns the visual voicemail portal.
Enable Message Waiting Indicator
To enable the Message Waiting Indicator lamp on your phone, follow these steps:
- Click My Voice Mail in the left menu.
- In the Receiving Voice Mail section, check Use phone Message Waiting Indicator.
- Click Save.
If this is enabled, your phone's Message Waiting lamp will be on whenever you have a phone message waiting for you.
Configure Email Notification of Voice Messages
To configure the system to send you an email whenever a voice message is deposited in your voicemail box, follow these steps:
- Click My Voice Mail in the left menu.
- In the Receiving Voicemail section, check Send email notification(s) to:
- Enter the email address(es) that you want the notifications sent to. You can enter multiple email addresses delimited by semi-colons [;], commas [,], or spaces [ ].
- Click Save.
This only sends a notification to your email address. It does not send the voice message. To configure the sending of the voice message, see Configure Email Forwarding of Voicemail Messages.
Configure Email Forwarding of Voicemail Messages
To configure the system to send you an email containing the voice message when it is deposited in your voicemail box, follow these steps:
- Click My Voicemail in the left menu.
- In the Receiving Voice Mail section, check Send copies of the voicemail as an email attachment to:
- Enter the email address(es) that you want the notifications sent to. You can enter multiple email addresses delimited by semi-colons [;], commas [,], or spaces [ ].
- From the pull-down list, select whether to delete or keep a copy on the Voicemail system.
- Click Save.
If you configure your voicemails to be emailed and deleted from the voicemail system, then you must also disable the Message Waiting Indicator. See Enable Message Waiting Indicator.
Configure Dial-0 Destination
To configure the system so that callers to your voicemail box can press "0" to be redirected to a specific number, follow these steps:
- Click My Voicemail in the left menu.
- In the Dial-0 destination section, check Enable dial-0.
- Select one of the following:
- The default configured by my administrator
- My Co-worker, and select a Co-worker from the drop-down list
- Call Group, and select a Call Group from the drop-down list
- Auto Attendant, and select an Auto Attendant from the drop-down list
4. Click Save.
Configure Voicemail Timezone
When retrieving and playing back your voice messages, the system may indicate the date and time when the messages were deposited. To configure the timezone that the system uses for playback of your voice messages, follow these steps:
- Click My Voicemail in the left menu.
- In the Time Zone section, select the appropriate timezone from the pull-down list.
- Click Save.
Reset Voicemail PIN
To reset your voicemail PIN, follow these steps:
- Click My Voicemail in the left menu.
- In the Voicemail PIN section, enter your new PIN in each of the two boxes.
- Click Save.
Your voicemail PIN must be between four and ten digits.
This is not the same as the PIN which is used for logging into your phone and the web interface. See Change PIN.
If your browser is configured to auto-fill the fields for resetting the PIN, it may fill in the other PIN which is used for logging into the web interface. To avoid this, clear the field and fill in the correct voicemail PIN value.
My Dynamic Site
If you have the dynamic site capability enabled for you, you can use the My Dynamic Site page to perform the following tasks:
- Create a dynamic site. See Create a Dynamic Site.
- Release a dynamic site. See Release a Dynamic Site.
- View current dynamic site information. See View Dynamic Site Information.