UniVoIP App

About UniVoip App: Shows the version you are currently running.

Preferences: These settings control the way that you work with UniVoIP App.

Log Out: Logs you out of the App.

Hide UniVoIP App: Removes the App from view.

Quit UniVoIP App: To shut down UniVoIP App.




Always on Top: Keeps the UniVoIP App in front of all other windows.

Show Messages: Shows the Messages Window.

Show Video: Shows your video feed.

Hide Device Settings: Hides the Device Settings Icon.

Hide Contacts: Hides the Contacts Icon.

Hide DialPad: Hides the DialPad Icon.

Hide Favorites: Hides the Favorites Icon.

Hide History: Hides the History Icon.


Once hidden, the option will change to “Show” so you can bring it back.

You can create a compact view (like the pic below) by hiding all five options.




From here you can create a group, add a contact, import or export contacts, decide how contacts are sorted, and how your groups are displayed.



Provides access to troubleshooting, updates and online support.