The Agent Performance List panel provides an overview of ten statistics drawn from the report.

Use the radio buttons to select a Sorting Order. When Interval First is selected, the rows are sorted by the interval (ascending, earlier first) and then by the extension of the Agent. When Agent First is selected, the entries are sorted according the only by the extension of the agent.

Field Definitions

Interval: the starting date and time and ending time for the reporting period.
Agent: the agent's extension.
Name: the agent's name.
Signed-In: the time during the reporting period when this agent was signed-in (visible for ACP-based Agents only).
Ready: the time during the reporting period when this agent was Ready.
Answered: the number of queue calls (specified in the reporting criteria) answered by this Agent.
Rate (cph): the number of calls answered per hour of Ready time.
Ended: the count of queue calls answered directly by this agent from the selected Queues but then disconnected by the caller or agent during this aggregation interval.
Xfered: the count of queue calls answered directly by this agent from the selected Queues but then subsequently transferred away during this aggregation interval.
Talk Time: the time this agent spent during the reporting period talking on calls answered directly from the selected Queues.
Avg Talk Time: the Talk Time divided by the number of calls answered.
Wrap-up Time: the Wrap-up time awarded to this agent during the reporting period.
Missed: the number of calls offered to this Agent by the selected Queues during the reporting period, but not accepted.